Best Commercial AC in Conroe, TX: Packaged Rooftop Units (RTU)

In the commercial sector, it is common for a company to install one or more commercial air conditioning units on their rooftop. These units are called “packaged rooftop units” (RTU). Packaged RTUs are a low-cost option for cooling spaces that have relatively low demand. We offer an easy commercial AC installation and can be installed in spaces where traditional ductwork is not possible.

What is an RTU or Packaged Rooftop Unit?

A packaged rooftop unit (RTU) is an air-conditioning device that is installed on top of a building and is designed to provide cooling for the entire building. They are more efficient and environmentally friendly than a traditional window AC. RTUs are typically used in commercial and industrial buildings because they can cool large spaces quickly with minimal installation requirements.

RTUs have been in use for over two decades now, but they have seen a recent resurgence in popularity due to their efficiency and environmental friendliness. RTUs can be used to cool spaces that are larger than just individual rooms, and they can also be used to heat spaces as well. RTUs are popular because they can be installed easily without the need for any ductwork, which means that they can be installed on the roof of a building no matter how big it is.

They can save on costs because they don’t require expensive crane work or labor-intensive assembly or installation procedures like traditional rooftop units do. They also have increased safety because they’re easier to assemble and disassemble, which means there’s less risk of injury when installing them in an emergency situation such as a hurricane or earthquake.

Commercial AC Installation and Replacement Conroe

If you’re in the market for a new AC system for your commercial property in Conroe, you may be wondering about the benefits of RTU, or packaged rooftop units. The new RTU, or packaged rooftop unit, comes with a new control system and ancillary devices, such as smart thermostats. All of these new features ensure a more effective system while also lowering costs. To help you make the right choice, here are three benefits of RTUs:

Rooftop RTUs do not require interior space, which is convenient for those without access to ductwork. They are often installed on the roofs of single or two-story buildings. Likewise, rooftop RTUs can be used in restaurant kitchens with ductwork to provide additional ventilation and conditioned air. But rooftop RTUs aren’t for every business. They tend to be susceptible to weather-related damage, and they are not as efficient for larger buildings with a lot of ductwork. To learn more about RTUs and how they can benefit you, call (281) 767-OMNI.

Conroe Commercial AC Repair

Proper maintenance of your rooftop package unit is important for a number of reasons. First, it should be repaired or replaced before it begins to leak. Rooftop packages require different support configurations than traditional rooftop units. Second, older components are prone to fire and safety hazards. Third, your structural roof supports need to be inspected periodically. If you fail to inspect your roof supports, a leaky rooftop unit could soon become a major issue.

Most RTUs are covered with access panels, which hold the piping in place with small sheet metal screws. Hand tools may not work well to remove these panels, and if they become loose, chilled air can leak. Using a cordless drill with the proper bit makes this easy and fast. Cordless drills also allow you to measure the fan pressure and rotation with a tachometer. Hiring a professional AC technician in Conroe to troubleshoot and repair complicated issues can prevent future problems. Call a Conroe commercial AC contractor today at (281) 767-OMNI.

Conroe Commercial AC Maintenance

Proper maintenance of an RTU or packaged rooftop unit is crucial to keep them running efficiently and deliver optimal comfort to building occupants. Over time, RTUs will experience a degradation of up to 30% in energy efficiency and may be unable to deliver the desired cooling capacity. Without proper maintenance, RTUs may fail to work at all or even shut down, causing considerable energy loss and occupant discomfort. During annual maintenance in Conroe, you can expect to save approximately $50 to $100 per ton of air conditioning during the cooling season.

If you have a rooftop RTU in Conroe, you will need space for its installation and maintenance. It should be high enough so that it will be protected from weather conditions and vandalism. Additionally, it is easier to access and maintain than a ground-based unit. Additionally, rooftop units are far quieter than their ground-based counterparts. Rooftop units are also easily accessible to AC technicians and maintenance contractors, which reduces the possibility of disrupting daily operations. An AC technician can identify potential problems and fix them before they become a major headache. Call us today at (281) 767-OMNI to find out how Omni Air & Heating LLC could save you time, money, and the aggravation of dealing with a broken AC system in Conroe.

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